- Category: Crypto
- 100 Points
- Solved by the JCTF Team
Super secret Shabak's message, cool!
it's look like someone substitute the BASE32 letters with the Hebrew Aleph-Beit by order
א -> A ב -> B etc...
let's try to decode it
# coding=utf-8
import base64
def replace_heb_letter_to_base32_letters(c):
if ord(c) >= ord(u'א') and ord(c) - ord(u'א') < 26:
c = chr(ord(c) - ord(u'א') + ord(u'A'))
elif c == u'ת': # special case for the letter 'ת'
c = u'2'
return c
data = u'טייצעשדומםךהרץסעזאשדא6תמם53ץ6עך7ךץקזטשכעמםתזג3ףהכ5הז65ת7טינקזשיףזיןפג3דחם5שזע5דטםץןץמ33עםםשקת==='
data = u''.join([replace_heb_letter_to_base32_letters(c) for c in data])
print base64.b32decode(data)
The flag: BSidesTLV2020{Now_I_Understand_How_Base32_Algorithm_Works}